Wednesday, February 28, 2018



I am trying to adjust from a Ketogenic diet, to a fasting, sugar, normal/Ketogenic diet. Actually, my stomach is trying to adjust. Why am I doing this? Read on.

I know that God has a plan, and can give us direction. He doesn't reveal his plan all at once, but will direct us to a "best" path if we listen carefully. A brother at church approached me one day with much insistence regarding treatment his father (Carl) did for his cancer. I felt as if he was supposed to tell me, and I was supposed to listen, investigate, and consider.

I have read in several places that fasting before Chemo actually helps normal body cells and weakens cancer cells. Carl did fasting. Though I am not having "Chemo" I am fasting before my Tomo treatments. Can't hurt might help. Carl, who is also a scientist and physicist did a lot of cancer research. His conclusion is that cancer cells are most vulnerable when they split.

Now you have to pay attention here. When I had the Pet Scan in December I had to make the cancer cells hungry, then feed them sugar so the scan could track how aggressively they were feeding. So, if I fast, then feed them sugar, they will go spaz (my version of them being aggressive and splitting) while I am getting a treatment. Hopefully this will take out more cancer cells. Again, can't hurt, might help. My Radiation Oncologist said that Chemo also makes the cancer cells more receptive to the Tomo treatments, but I really do not feel Chemo is for me. Here's hoping sugar will make them more receptive.

So, I fast, eat a meal of sugary stuff about 1 1/2  hours before treatment, let it digest for awhile then eat a normal meal then repeat. Today was the best day so far for my stomach, BUT it is only day 5 of 33. So if you need anything to pray for, pray for strength, and a happy stomach!

Oh, what kind of sugary stuff you ask? Marshmallows (they have to be toasted), orange juice because the sugar is absorbed quickly, I started with Brach's orange slices,  switched to  chocolate "m & m's"(but I think I have to switch again.) I believe I have allergies to chocolate! (Extreme runny nose which causes much coughing.)  And a slice of lemonade pie. This is all from what Carl did. Whatever great things happen, he and God get the credit.


  1. My heart sank when I learned of your diagnosis. I am so sorry. You are in my thoughts.
    Below I provided the link (and citation) for empirically based recommendations from the American Cancer Society regarding nutrition and exercise during treatment. I hope this is of any value.

    Doyle, C., Kushi, L. H., Byers, T., Courneya, K. S., Demark‐Wahnefried, W., Grant, B., ... & Andrews, K. S. (2006). Nutrition and physical activity during and after cancer treatment: an American Cancer Society guide for informed choices. CA: a cancer journal for clinicians, 56(6), 323-353.


    1. Thanks Ian, I appreciate your concern and suggestions.

  2. I might do well on your Kinetic diet - I'm addicted to sugar! I could fast if I could have marshmallow and M&M meal afterward :)

    1. Now remember the Ketogenic is NOT fasting and sugar. Two totally different things!


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