Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Sharon's Final Month

On June 27th Sharon got an MRI on her hip from which she was feeling pain ever since the trip to Panama. Her primary care gave her the results that afternoon that the cancer had metastasized through the pelvic/hip area. It appeared that she possibly had bursitis, a tear, a fracture, or all of the above. 

On June 29th Sharon went to the oncologist in the morning to get preliminary treatment so she could start radiation treatments on Monday. Later that day she had an appointment with her orthopedic surgeon and he ruled out bursitis, breakage, and tearing. It was definitely cancer causing the pain. The pain was so intense, Sharon felt ready to die that day. At this point she was still using the cane she bought on her New York trip to help her get around, but on this day we started pushing her around in a wheelchair. 

Saturday the 30th, she was feeling much better and wanted to go around the block. She enjoyed having her grandchildren, Charlotte and Jack take turns pushing her around the block.

Sunday July 1st, Sharon insisted on going to church despite her pain. She knew this would be her last time to physically be at church and to bear her testimony. In the LDS Church, the first Sunday of every month, members volunteer to share their testimony of Jesus Christ and what they know to be true. Sharon was devout and enjoyed sharing her testimony regularly. On this day, Charlotte pushed the wheelchair so Sharon could speak to the congregation. It was a special, heart-felt moment for the family.

On the evening of the 4th of July, Sharon’s pain level was too high so we went to the ER for treatment. With her progression of pain and deteriorating mobility, she remained in a comfy chair in her bedroom most of the time. 

On July 6, hospice began their services. Sharon's appetite slowed to just a few bites of something pleasurable, particularly some birthday crumb cake for our twins' special day. Our son, Nate, flew out from Texas to see her for a few days. We held a Sacrament meeting in our home on July 8th with Sharon so the family could share their loving thoughts and memories with her. 

On the 9th, Monday night, around midnight we noticed another change in her. With all the boys, we were able to give her a blessing. The boys had an opportunity to express their love to their mother.
Later that week, a visit from Sharon’s sister, Maryanne, gave Sharon comfort. Sunday came around and in Sharon’s considerate nature, she urged me to go to Church but I couldn’t leave her side.

During her last week, Sharon progressively moved from her chair in the bedroom to a hospital air bed in the front living room. Immediately we could see she was more comfortable. I built her a curtain rod so she could have privacy when needed. 

As the week progressed, her naps got longer and her breaths deepened.
On Friday the 20th, the hospice nurses came to check her vitals. We learned her lung capacity was at 98% with no sign of diminished lung capacity from the cancer. Meaning, the Tomotherapy succeeded at killing off the cancer in her lungs before it spread to her hip.
That evening we watched her closely with both twins here to help care for her. At 1:35am (July 21st) Sharon began to take her last breath when she passed away peacefully.


Sharon always knew she wanted to donate her body to science. She has been taken to UCI where they can keep her body for up to 6 years. Afterwhich they will cremate her and spread her ashes at sea.

The Memorial for Sharon will be held on August 18th 2018, 3:00pm at 17130 Bastanchury Road, Yorba Linda CA 92886. Babysitting provided in the Nursery Room for small children. Per Sharon's special request, there will be a family-friendly party behind the church building at 5:00pm. 

In closing thoughts regarding Tomotherapy-
We learned Chemotherapy is not the only "cure." Tomotherapy DID kill the cancer in Sharon's lung. It is not yet a well-known option to kill cancer because of the lack of understanding since it's fairly new. Sharon's case will be noted in the case to make Tomotherapy radiation a more widespread alternative. This route was not as harsh on the body because she did not lose hair or vomit. Her immune system was not destroyed as it would be with chemotherapy. Sharon chose this route based off her research, prayer, and understanding of her prognosis.In her case, she wanted to have the highest quality of life given the amount of time she was given. Choosing this route, her doctors were shocked by her lack of complications and how healthy her skin and immune system were working up to her last days of life.

 Thank you to all those who have prayed for Sharon and helped us through this process.
-The Edwards Family

Thursday, July 5, 2018

New York - June 2018

I wanted to go to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. I got to visualize my grandma, Irma Senko, at 9 years old coming from Slovakia, seeing New York. I needed Kleenex. On Ellis Island, I got to walk where she walked. I got to see photos of immigrants like my grandparents. They came on the busiest day ever. I needed more Kleenex. I found them on the ship's manifest. More Kleenex. It was more moving than I thought it would be. Three of my dear friends went and we stayed with a fourth. We had a 4 day long weekend. It was AMAZING!
More to come.... next post.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Panama Photos

Just a few Panama Photos

Just got on board.

Panama Canal Continental Divide

Approaching the locks

Going through the locks

On small ferry boat inside the locks

Beach in Costa Rica

Mayan Ruins in Guatemala

Mayan Ruins

Entering Los Angeles Harbor

Good bye ship!!!

Month One

Time For Some Fun!
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It has been a long time since a post, so this is catch up time. We went on a CRUISE!! First time ever. We left Ft. Lauderdale, Florida and cruised through the Panama Canal and ended in Los Angeles. A floating resort for 15 wonderful days with several excursions. We stopped in Aruba, Columbia, Panama, Costa Rica, and Guatemala. I would recommend it to anyone, and would get back on another ship in a heartbeat. I did not know that there are many daily activities on the ship for you to attend or not. Some days we were busy, some days we just lounged around. Two regular pools, one splash pool, 6 hot tubs and a zillion deck chairs. And food. My favorite?? Almond Croissants only to be found at the International Cafe in the morning. Sometimes gone by 9:00. If I was up at 6:00 I would wander over get one or two and take them back to our cabin. The crew was very accommodating. They would wrap the plate in plastic!!!

So why Panama as the first "Bucket List " item ? It just so happens that Bob was born there. Yep! His Grandpa Straus decided to move the family their when Bob's mom was about 6, to work for the U.S. government in the Canal Zone. He was an engineer driving one of the Mules. (Electric engines that keep the ships centered in the locks) Mom grew up there, got married there, then moved to Utah. After a while, Bob's dad decided to move to California. As they were expecting Bob at the time, and anyone in Grandpa's household would be covered medically, his mom went "home" to her parents in Panama, and voila!! Bob was born there. After 6 months he was able to fly to California and had never been back. It was an amazing trip. Photos in the next post.

It has been a bit over a month since my last Tomo treatment. I am feeling quite well. Other than the fact that I have tweaked my right hip, and left side of my back. This has nothing to do with my cancer, and everything to do with me trying to live life! I have had acupuncture, chiropractic adjustment, and extreme massage. It is all working, but not as fast as I would like!! My patch of "suntan" on my back never was red, but it did peel. If that was the worst side effect of my treatments, OK!. I cough occasionally, but very insignificant. I was taking the cough med. once a day instead of 3 times, and haven't taken any for over a week.

I visited the Radiation Oncologist May 11 for a one month check-up. Weight, blood pressure, temperature. How are you feeling? How is your cough? How is your swallowing? How is your appetite? Because radiation can still be working 1-2 months after treatment ends, and because there can still be inflammation, they will not do a scan until 3 months to get an accurate picture. So, we will wait.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Next Chapter

The Last Treatment
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Before I start about me, let me say how wonderful all the staff at 21st Century Radiation is. In the beginning, they made authorizations and test scheduling happen with unbelievable speed. Each day there were smiles, kindness, professionalism and comedic comments. I was able to bring a CD of hymns to listen to so I could go to my happy place and think of the love, the many blessings and tender mercies I have experienced.

Today was my last treatment. It was supposed to be Monday, but last week when I had a CT check, there was not enough shrinkage to do more of a pinpoint treatment on the remaining days, so they just gave me extra days without changing the amount. Flexibility is a good thing.

It will be interesting having to think about my meals now. For 7 weeks my breakfast has been the same thing. I didn't have to think much about my one "Real Meal" as twice a week people from church brought a dinner. There was always enough for at least two days, sometimes more.  For the rest of the day, I fasted. How many ways can you fix plain water?!? Though I daily thought of my previous Ketogenic diet, I just couldn't do it. I am not sure what direction will be next. More prayers for direction and guidance.

As far as physically, so far the journey has been pretty good! I was told I may have some tanning or pink sunburning at the treatment site. There is a patch of tanning on my back about 5" x 5" a smaller area on my front. A sore throat was possible and may need numbing medication. Nope, but on some days if my posture wasn't perfect, and if I swallowed a big bite, it felt as if a pill went down sideways and got a bit stuck. Not for every bite. I just had to be careful. Coughing could be a problem. It was, but I was coughing even before treatment started.. For awhile if I talked, I coughed. Sometimes a lot. I started taking Tessalon Pereles it has helped so much that instead of taking it 3 times a day, I can take it once for two days, then skip two days. Tiredness compounding as time goes on. I did not experience debilitating tiredness. I did need an afternoon nap. I tried not to over do it, but I did pretty much what I wanted, even yard work and washing my car. I have wondered how much had to do with the radiation itself, or my most interesting diet. I have read in several places that fasting actually helps your normal cells be stronger and the cancer cells be weaker for treatments. That may have helped with everything also.

Now we play the waiting game. Radiation can keep working for some time after treatment ends. If you want to know more go to: I will have a follow up appointment in a month, then schedule a CT to see how things are going. I will do my best to try to forget about it for a month. It's time to start working on the "Bucket List", but that will have to be in another post!! Stay tuned......

Monday, March 19, 2018

Half Way

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Three weeks of treatment finished, three more to go. Many have asked how I feel. This past week was difficult but has nothing to do with my cancer!! Last Tuesday I tweaked my back bending over the dishwasher incorrectly. Please everyone remember to engage your core muscles, and bend your knees. The back is better, but not best yet. Arrgh!

The medication for my cough has helped a great deal. I can talk again and only cough occassionally.

Last Monday the doctor said my tumor had gotten a little smaller. On Friday, the Tech said there was substantial shrinkage. What does that mean? And, what is the difference? Today, I saw the doctor again and got to ask questions. She showed me several CT slice pictures with before treatment, and as of today. My unprofessional eyes could definitely see some shrinkage on one of the slices, but substantial shrinkage on a different slice. Any shrinkage is good shrinkage!

Saturday, March 10, 2018


Second Week Finished and Ketogenic Info!!       
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I have completed two weeks of treatment. Yippee! That is 2/6 or 1/3 or 12/33 (days). It was just nice to get to Friday and be able to eat regular meals without fasting. Three meals on Saturday (today) I had my treatment times all the same this week. Being able to plan  eating and fasting and resting at the same time each day helped a lot. I felt much better this week than last week. Yippee!

My cough is not painful this week, another Yippee!  But, I do cough more if I talk. So, I try to write, type or text. One day Andre' took my notepad and wrote his reply just for fun. We're all about fun. The Radiatiion Oncologist gave me a prescription for "Tessalon Pereles" for my cough. We will give it a few days to see if it helps.

A dear friend, Sharla, sent me a link to a TEDx TALK on the Ketogenic diet. I thought it was amazing. So much understandable information in one short talk! If you would like to learn more about the diet, I can only say, "Watch it, Watch it, and Share it".

P.S. Whoever left the Hyacinth on my doorstep, thanks so much. Another Yipee!

Sharon's Final Month

On June 27th Sharon got an MRI on her hip from which she was feeling pain ever since the trip to Panama. Her primary care gave her the resul...